If addiction is a disease, why are those on Methadone treatment for opiate addiction disallowed Methadone when incarcerated?
In this edition of Pro Se Nation, we explore how addiction is viewed through the eyes of the courts and law enforcement. Do our laws support or hinder those trying to escape from the death grip of opiate addiction?
Executive producer and host MaryLynn Schiavi explores the topic with guests: Lorna R. Tangara, President & Executive Director of Morris Aftercare Center in Denville, NJ, Jeanne Marshall, Assistant Clinical Director of Morris County Aftercare Center and Blake S. Davis, an attorney with Waters, McPherson, McNeill, P.C., who serves as Secretary of Morris County Aftercare’s Client Advocacy Committee.
The 26-minute program was recorded at Princeton Community TV & Media Center and directed by Sharyn Alice Murray.
The program will stream on Princeton TV throughout March and April 2018 on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. EST and Monday at midnight EST. The program can be viewed on cable channels in Princeton (Comcast 30) and in central NJ (Verizon Channel 45.
Very special thanks to MaryLynn Schiavi, Writer/Producer and Civil Mediator Founder-President of Pro Se Nation: understand the law for oneself President of Prosperity Communications LLC and NJ riterProducer.com
Watch the entire program now